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You may have heard the term ”web debugging proxies” if you are an application tester. According to Global Market Insights, the software application testing market crossed over 40 billion USD in 2020, and it’s estimated to grow by about 7% in the coming years. The exponential growth of machine learning, deep learning (like AI), and
You may have heard the term ”web debugging proxies” if you are an application tester. According to Global Market Insights, the software application testing market crossed over 40 billion USD in 2020, and it’s estimated to grow by about 7% in the coming years. The exponential growth of machine learning, deep learning (like AI), and CI/CD (Continous Integration and Continous Delivery) is considered the catalyst for the growth of application testing jobs. From the stats, we can interpret that application testing plays a severe role in software development and deployment. In the application testing industry, there are professionals known as QA testers.
QA is a Quality Assurance process in which the main job of the tester is to test applications, find any bugs and ensure that the end product is a well-tested and well-developed product for end consumers. This QA process involves different processes, such as cloud applications, standard software, and other applications, such as game and productivity software.
As mentioned, there are various QAs that have become essential tools for one of the processes, which is HTTP/s traffic monitoring. In the upcoming section, we will see how the QA tester uses the web debugging proxy as a tool to debug the error in the web application.
Feel free to jump to any section to learn about web debugging proxies!
Proxies in the Application Testing Process:
How to Setup a Web Debugging Proxies as a Tool to Monitor HTTP Requests?
Best Proxy Server for Web Debugging Proxies:
From the name web debugging, we can interpret that it is about debugging the network traffic. In simple words, web debugging reveals the bugs and errors in your web applications. It involves several steps that help to inspect the HTTP/s network traffic and identify bugs by capturing both requests and responses online. After you find and fix the bugs, you can use web debugging proxy tools to rerun the web application to ensure that everything is working as expected.
The word process may look simple in that you just scan the request and response, and you’re done. But in reality, it is much more complex. Imagine how many requests and responses are transmitted to the server per second. Millions of users access the information simultaneously (this may vary due to time differences).
A network issue is not an easy task to track and resolve in a short amount of time. Luckily, some tools help you ease the difficulties of fixing the issue. Since the web application is your business front, you have to make sure that you resolve the issue as fast as possible.
So, now that you have some basic idea about the web debugging process, how do proxies help to implement the web debugging process? What is the role of proxies in web debugging or application testing?
A proxy server is an intermediary between you (the client’s PC) and the internet (the target source). Instead of passing the user request directly to the target source, the proxy reroutes your network through the proxy server. A proxy server is the one that will send the request and receive the response from the target server to the user. This rerouting technique helps mask your original IP address with the proxy server’s IP address and makes you anonymous online.
You can bypass the website or entertainment site filters with a proxy to access geo-restricted content. Proxies have several applications, such as web scraping, accessing geo-restricted content, and SEO marketing. The application testing process is one of the applications of the proxies.
Another important thing to note is that you cannot use all proxies in all situations. For example, a gaming console usually does not support VPNs, so you must choose a proxy with HTTP protocols to access geo-restricted content. Most web applications and networking services usually interact with each other using the HTTP protocol. So, you have to make sure that your proxies support your application.
Now you know what a proxy is and how it helps mask your IP address and restrict people from knowing your location, the next question is, what can we do with proxies for application testing?
The two critical roles for proxies in application testing are:
For this representation, we are going to see Charles’s tool. Charles is probably the most popular tool for monitoring HTTP traffic. The other features include recording the traffic between the browser and the internet, monitoring and supporting SSL/HTTP, downloading all recorded data, finding and eliminating the bugs quickly, simulating slow internet connections and revealing the contents of all requests and responses, as well as cookies and headers. To install Charles on your local system, you can follow the steps that are mentioned below:
STEP 1: You can install the Charles software application from the download page, available on the official website. You can download it for various OSs, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. NOTE: There is a free trial and a paid version (licence based).
STEP 2: Once you have downloaded and installed the application, you can run the application by clicking–> Start–> application–> Charles software. NOTE: The step is for Windows 10 OS. For macOS and Linux, the cloning process of the Windows step will do.
STEP 3: When you open the software, you will first see the untitled session. You can manually configure Charles per your requirements, or if you already have autoconfigured proxy settings, you can use the browser and see all the events recorded in Charles.
STEP 4: To see the events, Charles sets the process by providing the nodes into the tree shape that can be seen on the left side of the website you are visiting. You can select any node on the tree and deeply explore it to see the data that is being transmitted.
The steps are simple with the Charles tool, giving you insight into what is happening behind the scenes in networking.
Now you know how easily a web debugging tool can help you monitor your HTTP traffic and test your web application.
This tool is best for the auto-configured proxy, which is configuring your local system with a proxy before installing the web debugging tool. For that, you need a reliable proxy.
ProxyScrape is one of the most popular and reliable proxy providers online. Three proxy services include dedicated datacentre proxy servers, residential proxy servers, and premium proxy servers. So, which is the best proxy server for web debugging proxies? Before answering that questions, it is best to see the features of each proxy server.
Un proxy dédié à un centre de données est mieux adapté aux tâches en ligne à grande vitesse, telles que la transmission en continu de grandes quantités de données (en termes de taille) à partir de divers serveurs à des fins d'analyse. C'est l'une des principales raisons pour lesquelles les organisations choisissent proxys pour transmettre de grandes quantités de données en peu de temps.
Un proxy dédié à un centre de données possède plusieurs caractéristiques, telles qu'une bande passante illimitée et des connexions simultanées, un site HTTP dédié proxys pour faciliter la communication et une authentification IP pour plus de sécurité. Avec un temps de disponibilité de 99,9 %, vous pouvez être assuré que le centre de données dédié fonctionnera toujours, quelle que soit la session. Enfin, ProxyScrape offre un excellent service à la clientèle et vous aidera à résoudre votre problème dans les 24-48 heures ouvrables.
La prochaine est une procuration résidentielle. Le proxy résidentiel est un proxy de choix pour tout consommateur général. La raison principale est que l'adresse IP d'un proxy résidentiel ressemble à l'adresse IP fournie par le FAI. Cela signifie qu'il sera plus facile d'obtenir l'autorisation du serveur cible pour accéder à ses données.
L'autre caractéristique du proxy résidentiel de ProxyScrapeest une fonction rotative. Un proxy rotatif vous permet d'éviter une interdiction permanente de votre compte car votre proxy résidentiel change dynamiquement votre adresse IP, ce qui rend difficile pour le serveur cible de vérifier si vous utilisez un proxy ou non.
En outre, les autres caractéristiques d'un proxy résidentiel sont les suivantes : bande passante illimitée, connexion simultanée, HTTP/s dédié proxys, proxys à tout moment de la session en raison des 7 millions de proxys dans le pool de proxy, authentification par nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe pour plus de sécurité, et enfin, la possibilité de changer le serveur du pays. Vous pouvez sélectionner le serveur de votre choix en ajoutant le code du pays à l'authentification du nom d'utilisateur.
Le dernier est le proxy premium. Les proxys Premium sont les mêmes que les proxys dédiés aux centres de données. La fonctionnalité reste la même. La principale différence est l'accessibilité. Dans le cas du proxy premium proxys, la liste des mandataires (la liste qui contient proxys) est mise à la disposition de tous les utilisateurs du réseau ProxyScrape. C'est pourquoi le premium proxys coûte moins cher que le centre de données dédié proxys.
Quel est le meilleur proxy pour le débogage web proxys? La réponse est le proxy résidentiel proxys. Les deux raisons principales sont la possibilité de changer le serveur du pays pour tester l'application du site web et le proxy rotatif pour cacher votre adresse IP en profondeur en changeant dynamiquement l'adresse IP du proxy.
In this article, we have explored the web debugging process and how a web debugging tool can help monitor and debug the errors in a web application. Proxies are the best companions for most online tasks. Yes, proxies have some drawbacks, such as not being reliable and disconnecting often, but with ProxyScrape, you don’t have to face that situation. Grab a proxy from ProxyScrape and start your debugging journey today.